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Urtica urens, commonly known as Stinging Nettle, is a perennial flowering plant with a global distribution. Despite its stinging hairs that can cause temporary discomfort upon contact, Stinging Nettle has been historically valued for its culinary, medicinal, and textile uses. Here’s some information about Urtica urens:

Urtica urens, commonly known as Stinging Nettle, is a perennial flowering plant with a global distribution. Despite its stinging hairs that can cause temporary discomfort upon contact, Stinging Nettle has….

Thuja occidentalis, commonly known as Eastern Arborvitae or White Cedar, is an evergreen coniferous tree native to eastern North America. This tree is valued for its distinctive appearance, with scale-like leaves arranged in flattened sprays, and it has various uses in landscaping and traditional medicine. Here’s some information about Thuja occidentalis:

Thuja occidentalis, commonly known as Eastern Arborvitae or White Cedar, is an evergreen coniferous tree native to eastern North America. This tree is valued for its distinctive appearance, with scale-like….