Solanum dulcamara, commonly known as Woody Nightshade, is a climbing perennial vine belonging to the Solanaceae family. While the plant exhibits attractive features such as purple flowers and red berries, it is important to note that Woody Nightshade is considered toxic and should be handled with caution. Here’s some information about Solanum dulcamara:

Solanum dulcamara, commonly known as Woody Nightshade, is a climbing perennial vine belonging to the Solanaceae family. While the plant exhibits attractive features such as purple flowers and red berries, it is important to note that Woody Nightshade is considered toxic and should be handled with caution. Here’s some information about Solanum dulcamara:

Common Name:

  • Woody Nightshade

Scientific Name:

  • Solanum dulcamara


  • Plant Type: Woody Nightshade is a climbing vine with slender stems that can grow in various habitats, including along fences and in damp areas.
  • Leaves: The leaves are alternate, simple, and have a distinctive shape with pointed lobes.
  • Flowers: The plant produces clusters of star-shaped, purple flowers with prominent yellow stamens.
  • Berries: Woody Nightshade develops bright red berries that are toxic if ingested.


  • Alkaloids: Woody Nightshade contains alkaloids, including solanine and solasonine, which can be toxic to humans and animals.
  • Avoid Ingestion: Ingesting any part of the plant, especially the berries, can lead to symptoms of toxicity and should be avoided.

Cultural Significance:

  • Traditional Uses: Despite its toxicity, Woody Nightshade has been used in traditional medicine for certain purposes, but such uses are not recommended due to the associated risks.
  • Folklore: The plant has also been associated with folklore and superstitions in various cultures.


  • Widespread: Woody Nightshade is found in various regions globally, growing in both natural and disturbed habitats.
  • Invasive Behavior: It can sometimes exhibit invasive characteristics, spreading rapidly in certain environments.


  • Handling: Caution should be exercised when handling Woody Nightshade, and contact with the plant should be minimized.
  • Pets and Livestock: The plant is also toxic to pets and livestock, and their access to it should be restricted.


Solanum dulcamara, or Woody Nightshade, with its attractive purple flowers and red berries, harbors a hidden danger due to its toxicity. While it may have had historical uses in traditional medicine, the risks associated with its consumption or contact underscore the importance of avoiding any form of interaction with the plant. Caution and awareness are crucial when dealing with potentially harmful species like Woody Nightshade.

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