Aconitum napellus

Aconite (Aconitum napellus) is a plant commonly known by various names such as Monkshood, Monk’s Blood, Fuzi, and Wolf’s Bane. This perennial flowering plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae and is native to mountainous regions of Europe and Asia. Here’s some information about Aconite:

Common Names:

  • Monkshood
  • Monk’s Blood
  • Fuzi
  • Wolf’s Bane

Scientific Name:

  • Aconitum napellus


  • Plant Type: Aconite is a herbaceous perennial plant.
  • Appearance: The plant produces tall spikes of hooded flowers, often in shades of blue, purple, or white.
  • Toxicity: Aconite is known for its toxic properties. All parts of the plant, especially the roots, contain alkaloids that can be poisonous if ingested.

Traditional Uses:

  • Homeopathy: Aconite is utilized in homeopathic medicine, where it is highly diluted to create remedies believed to treat various conditions.
  • Traditional Medicine: In certain traditional systems, Aconite has been historically used in very controlled and diluted forms for specific medicinal purposes.


  • Toxicity: Due to its toxic nature, Aconite should be handled with extreme care. Ingesting any part of the plant in its raw form can lead to severe poisoning and even death.
  • Homeopathic Dilution: In homeopathy, the preparation involves careful dilution to minimize toxicity, and it is used under the principle of “like cures like.”

Cultural Significance:

  • Symbolism: In various cultures, Aconite has been associated with symbols of protection and warding off evil spirits, likely due to its toxic properties.


Aconite, with its vibrant and distinctive appearance, holds both toxic properties and a history of careful use in traditional and homeopathic medicine. Caution is essential when dealing with this plant, and any use for medicinal purposes should be approached with a thorough understanding of its potential risks and proper preparation methods, especially in the context of homeopathic practices.

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